Why I’m Running

The elected prosecutor is the gatekeeper to our local criminal justice system. And Berrien deserves one with integrity. The community entrusts its prosecutor to decide who gets charged in the first place and what criminal offenses they will face.  Our prosecutor decides who should get probation, who will be labeled a felon, and who deserves a prison sentence. Our community needs trusted discretion at the top - without it, futures can be ruined by adolescent decisions and people with mental health needs will sit in jail. When we punish people who need help, we divert money from our schools, roads, and infrastructure. 

In Berrien, we can do better.  

Here’s what this means for you. It means you can be assured that violent and repeat offenders are being dealt with skillfully and harshly. Trevor brings the experience needed to make certain that tough justice is served.  But, equally important, it means knowing that this fact will not come with the sacrifice of common sense and fairness when deciding if a resident of Berrien County should be given a chance at keeping their record clean.  

It means you can trust that if your child, neighbor, or a loved one ever encounters the justice system, that he or she will be treated fairly. Often, the experience of getting arrested, going to jail, being charged, and having to come to court can be a traumatizing experience. The system works best for the community when the appropriate consequence is measured on a case-by-case basis. 

The prosecutor decides which teenagers should be required to write an essay on what they did wrong and what they’ve learned from it. Often, the right punishment is a little probation and/or community service- but which kids deserve the opportunity at keeping their record clean?  These decisions will be made with integrity- regardless of who someone is or where they live. A better system of justice for everyone.

It means knowing that emphasis will be placed on treatment and rehabilitation- and knowing that your leaders are working to bring a sobriety court and veterans’ services to Berrien County. Let us be clear- addiction is not- and will not be- an excuse for anything other than petty offenses or possession.  If someone threatens the security of the community or harms another in pursuit of their drug habit, then their options for treatment will be voluntary in the Michigan Department of Corrections.

The truth is that a large percentage of the cases tying up our court system involve repeat offenders who either haven’t gotten the help they need, or they haven’t gotten the message.  Either way, a better approach is needed. With the abrupt resignation of our former prosecutor, Berrien needs someone to step up. Someone with the experience and integrity to lead.  Please join me.

Together, we can build a prosecutor’s office that offers a better definition of justice for everyone.